Listen to and imagine a world of the story

Storytelling at Gateway Theatre
We believe that theatre has the power to engage and inspire, and this is especially true for young children. Our dramatised storytelling sessions enhance their listening and language skills, develop their imagination, and help them to explore different emotions. As our professional storytellers share lovable children’s stories through narration and enactment, they encourage the children to interact, sing, and dance along as they act out the world of the story.
Gateway Arts is committed to bringing meaningful and relevant programmes to students, teachers and the community at large. For bookings of our storytelling sessions or related enquiries, please contact
Latest Updates
From 1 June 2023, Gateway Kids Club will officially become a programme of Gateway Theatre. While it has been run by Gateway Arts since 2019, ownership of this programme will be transferred to Gateway Theatre. Gateway Arts will continue to collaborate with Gateway Theatre as its programme partner for Gateway Kids Club. To find out more about Gateway Kids Club, click the button below.